We are elitespun

Elitespun has 40 years of experience in spinning the finest luxury yarns. We source top quality fibers such as merino wool, cashmere, silk, alpaca, bamboo, organic wool, BFL, yak and mohair from ethically responsible sources and bring these fine yarns and fibers to you in a large variety of blends and weights. With all of our manufacturing being done in-house, we can also custom blend and spin roving and yarns to your specifications. We are the 1st spinning mill in North America to be certified RWS (Responsible Wool Standard). Over the decades we have built a reputation on quality, reliability, and competitive pricing. Whatever your requirements, we are certain we can cater to your specific yarn and fiber needs.

Contact us

Give us a ring if you want to discuss how we can serve your yarn and fiber needs.

+1 (866) 460-YARN